October 6th, 2023
The Daily Life
As weeks go by I feel as if I'm farther away from getting my internship with Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This has left me with a lot of time in my hand. With all this time I have decided to hit the library to get some homework and college application done. I have been working 5 days a week unless I am volunteering for a club at school. Since I’m not mentoring currently, I have taken the time to find some surgeon to mentor underneath. I believe my next approach is to reach out to Riverside Methodist Hospital. I would say I am managing my time well by keeping myself busy instead of slacking off. The worst thing I could do is give up on this whole experience and that’s the last thing I want to be in.

Some ways I am managing time is by planning ahead. Keeping a calendar full of events with time,
date, and location so I know where I need to be next. I have also been prioritizing things I need to do first instead of hopping around and doing whatever is easy first. This has helped me create a flow time technique for myself. One area I really need to improve on is when I take a break, not abuse the time I have set. For instance, a thirty minute break should not be dragged out to thirty five minutes or forty. I plan on fixing this habit of mine by setting an alarm — not making a mental note of what time my break started.
Since I am still looking for a placement I am currently doing more reach on other medical professions I can mentor under. I am interested in Surgical Oncology at the moment. My mother had Breast Cancer a few months after she had me and it has always scared me that I could have it as I get older. So I decided
since I’m waiting for a placement at NCH, maybe I can go into Oncology for the time being and get myself some answers through other patients' that are going through cancer. With the extra time I have right now I am looking into Oncology and maybe having that as my backup plan for the future.
Thank You!